World toilet day
November 19th is World Toilet Day, a day used to highlight the global sanitation crisis. Can you imagine not owning a toilet? Your only option would be to practise open defecation.
For those of us in developed countries with the luxury of good hygiene facilities, a day about toilets may seem funny but for children in Malawi it’s a different story. Millions of school days are lost every year due to poor health and inadequate sanitation, which massively impacts on children’s education and development.
Why do we need toilets?
Toilets mean good health.
Toilets mean dignity.
Toilets mean safety.

Case study, Malalo CBCC
Before Pump Aid installed child friendly toilets at Malalo CBCC, children would relieve themselves in the open which of course caused lots of issues with health and sanitation. It also meant caregivers were forced to spend time picking up faeces, an unpleasant and unnecessary job.
Since the toilets were constructed, the children are happier and healthier; they no longer defecate outside the premises. Diarrhoea cases at the CBCC have reduced from 7 to 0 in a month.
To ensure more people in Malawi have access to toilets, we need your help.
Raise awareness about #WorldToiletDay
Make a donation to help us build child friendly toilets at CBCCs